01 Apr 2022
Prof. Yiwen WANG appointed as an EMBS Distinguished Lecturer for 2022

Prof. Yiwen WANG has been appointed as an EMBS Distinguished Lecturer for 2022.

As an EMBS Distinguished Lecturer, this is a great recognition of Prof. WANG’s technical knowledge and expertise. Prof. WANG is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department. She also serves as the chair in the IEEE Brain Publications Subcommittee and Editor in Chief of the IEEE BRAIN newsletter. Recently Prof. WANG is promoted to the Chair of the IEEE EMBS Neuroengineering technical committee. Her research interests are in neural decoding of brain-machine interfaces, adaptive signal processing, computational neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering.
The IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturers Program provides high quality speakers to the Biomedical Engineering Community, especially to EMBS Chapters, Student Branch Chapters, and Student Clubs. Appointment as an EMBS Distinguished Lecturer is a major Society recognition.
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