
CSE Computing Facilities
Teaching Labs
The CSE Department is served by about 600 workstations and PCs, including those in four teaching labs: two PC Labs, one UNIX lab (Ultras) and a multi-media Lab. Each teaching lab has 41 sets of computers networked together, a LCD projector, and at least one highspeed laser printer. In addition, the multi-media lab is equipped with professional grade amplifiers, speakers, synthesizers, top-of-the-line Sound Blaster Audigy sound cards, and 3D graphics cards. Wireless stations of speed 11 Mbps were installed in early 2001 to allow wireless Internet access for all teaching and research labs in the Department. The teaching labs are upgraded frequently to keep the equipment current.
Research Labs
All research labs in CSE Department are equipped with PCs, SUN ULTRA stations, servers, and special hardware/software to support specific research. The Computer Engineering Laboratory has a PowerHub, some wireless modems and multi-media workstations, as well as a number of notebook computers with video cameras. The Data and Knowledge Management Laboratory maintains various database management systems such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Servers, as well as software engineering packages like Rational Rose and Orbix. The Vision and Graphics Laboratory is for computer graphics and vision research. It is equipped with a video server for video and graphics production, high-end graphics and video editing cards, DV player, etc, as well as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, FlashMX, CorelDraw and Dreamweaver as software editing tools.
Project Labs
There are also specialized project labs, including the Human Language Technology Center (with various corpora and powerful servers); the Cyberspace Center with a large assortment of Internet related software (ECommerce packages, different Web server software, multi-media support packages, etc.) and smart card hardware and software.
For more information on research labs and centers managed by CSE Department, please visit https://cse.hkust.edu.hk/pg/research/labs/ .
ECE Labs and Facilities
The ECE Department is rapidly extending its capability in both computer hardware and ultra software. In addition to the University's central computing facilities, the Department currently has over 200 Sun Ultra workstations; and over 500 Pentium III PCs. All the Department computers are connected to the University Gigabit Ethernet network. Internet services and the World Wide Web (WWW) are available to all users. Both industrial-standard and research-oriented software are used by the faculty and students for research and teaching. A partial list of some of the software we currently have available on either workstation or PC platforms is given below:
• 3D Electrodynamic Wave Simulator • AutoCAD • BDI • BERSIM/SIRCIM • Cadence • Compass • CGSim • COSSAP • CSIM • DAVINCI (TMA) • Express • Forte • HP ADS • HP HFSS • Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) • HP ICCAP • Khoros • L-EDIT • Magic Layout Tools • Maple • Mathematica • MATLAB w/SIMULINK |
• MatrixX • MAXPLUS (Altera) • MAXWELL (Ansoft) • MEDICI (TMA) • MGC products • MONARCH • Numerical Electromagnetics Code • Octtools • OrCAD • OSLO (Sinclair Optics) • PADS • Saber • Sonnet • Spice/HSpice/Pspice • Studio • SUPREME (TMA) • Synopsis • Tekcad • TESLA • TSPICE • UTMOST III • VxWorks |
More details of the computation facilities and software available are included in individual laboratories.